* Please note that applications will be considered only from companies that have been trading for at least two years.
Inland / Coastal:
Nationally / International:
What percentage of your turnover is derived from Protective Equipment
I hereby commit, should I be granted membership, to abide by the Constitution and By-Laws of SAPEMA
I understand that there is an annual membership fee payable and undertake to remit this on receipt of Invoice.
NOTE: this information is required for inclusion in the SAPEMA national safety journal so it needs to be complete and accurate
Company Profile (pdf/doc/docx accepted):
Letterhead (pdf/doc/docx accepted):
Company Logo (jpg/jpeg/png/gif/pdf accepted):
Company Registration (pdf/doc/docx accepted):
“Motivational letter on your Company letterhead, confirming the reasons why you would like to become a SAPEMA Member.” Please note that this is a mandatory requirement and would need to be submitted with your application. (pdf/doc/docx accepted):
Contact person for site visit